
In my vectorization using .NET APIs blog, I describe SIMD datatypes Vector64<T> and Vector128<T> that operates on ‘Arm64 hardware intrinsic’ APIs present under System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Arm.AdvSimd and System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Arm.AdvSimd.Arm64 class. In this post I will describe those hardware intrinsic APIs by showing sample code usage along with examples and generated Arm64 code. This will help people in understanding these APIs so they can use them to optimize their .NET code written to target Arm64. Since there are 360 APIs, describing all of them in a single post will be overwhelming. So I have divided these APIs among 8 blogs and will demonstrate 45 APIs in each blog. This is part 2 of that blog series. You can checkout my previous blogs at Part 1.

Most of the description of these APIs is adapted and referenced from Arm Architecture Reference Manual Armv8, for Armv8-A architecture profile document. You can also refer to the description of SIMD and Floating-point instructions description at Arm developer docs page.

The blog page is programmatically generated and might contain mistakes. If you find any mistake, please leave a comment and I will address it.

APIs covered

CompareGreaterThanOrEqual ConvertToInt64RoundAwayFromZeroScalar
CompareGreaterThanOrEqualScalar ConvertToInt64RoundToEven
CompareGreaterThanScalar ConvertToInt64RoundToEvenScalar
CompareLessThan ConvertToInt64RoundToNegativeInfinity
CompareLessThanOrEqual ConvertToInt64RoundToNegativeInfinityScalar
CompareLessThanOrEqualScalar ConvertToInt64RoundToPositiveInfinity
CompareLessThanScalar ConvertToInt64RoundToPositiveInfinityScalar
CompareTest ConvertToInt64RoundToZero
CompareTestScalar ConvertToInt64RoundToZeroScalar
ConvertToDouble ConvertToSingle
ConvertToDoubleScalar ConvertToSingleLower
ConvertToDoubleUpper ConvertToSingleRoundToOddLower
ConvertToInt32RoundAwayFromZero ConvertToSingleRoundToOddUpper
ConvertToInt32RoundAwayFromZeroScalar ConvertToSingleScalar
ConvertToInt32RoundToEven ConvertToSingleUpper
ConvertToInt32RoundToEvenScalar ConvertToUInt32RoundAwayFromZero
ConvertToInt32RoundToNegativeInfinity ConvertToUInt32RoundAwayFromZeroScalar
ConvertToInt32RoundToNegativeInfinityScalar ConvertToUInt32RoundToEven
ConvertToInt32RoundToPositiveInfinity ConvertToUInt32RoundToEvenScalar
ConvertToInt32RoundToPositiveInfinityScalar ConvertToUInt32RoundToNegativeInfinity
ConvertToInt32RoundToZero ConvertToUInt32RoundToNegativeInfinityScalar
ConvertToInt32RoundToZeroScalar ConvertToUInt32RoundToPositiveInfinity

1. CompareGreaterThanOrEqual

Vector64<byte> CompareGreaterThanOrEqual(Vector64<byte> left, Vector64<byte> right)

This method compares corresponding vector elements in the left and right vector, and if the left’s value is greater than or equal to the right’s value sets every bit of the corresponding vector element in the result vector to one, otherwise sets every bit of the corresponding vector element in the result vector to zero and return the result vector.

private Vector64<byte> CompareGreaterThanOrEqualTest(Vector64<byte> left, Vector64<byte> right)
  return AdvSimd.CompareGreaterThanOrEqual(left, right);
// left = <31, 22, 33, 34, 15, 16, 17, 18>
// right = <21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28>
// Result = <255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0>

Similar APIs that operate on different sizes:

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd
Vector64<short> CompareGreaterThanOrEqual(Vector64<short> left, Vector64<short> right)
Vector64<int> CompareGreaterThanOrEqual(Vector64<int> left, Vector64<int> right)
Vector64<sbyte> CompareGreaterThanOrEqual(Vector64<sbyte> left, Vector64<sbyte> right)
Vector64<float> CompareGreaterThanOrEqual(Vector64<float> left, Vector64<float> right)
Vector64<ushort> CompareGreaterThanOrEqual(Vector64<ushort> left, Vector64<ushort> right)
Vector64<uint> CompareGreaterThanOrEqual(Vector64<uint> left, Vector64<uint> right)
Vector128<byte> CompareGreaterThanOrEqual(Vector128<byte> left, Vector128<byte> right)
Vector128<short> CompareGreaterThanOrEqual(Vector128<short> left, Vector128<short> right)
Vector128<int> CompareGreaterThanOrEqual(Vector128<int> left, Vector128<int> right)
Vector128<sbyte> CompareGreaterThanOrEqual(Vector128<sbyte> left, Vector128<sbyte> right)
Vector128<float> CompareGreaterThanOrEqual(Vector128<float> left, Vector128<float> right)
Vector128<ushort> CompareGreaterThanOrEqual(Vector128<ushort> left, Vector128<ushort> right)
Vector128<uint> CompareGreaterThanOrEqual(Vector128<uint> left, Vector128<uint> right)

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd.Arm64
Vector128<double> CompareGreaterThanOrEqual(Vector128<double> left, Vector128<double> right)
Vector128<long> CompareGreaterThanOrEqual(Vector128<long> left, Vector128<long> right)
Vector128<ulong> CompareGreaterThanOrEqual(Vector128<ulong> left, Vector128<ulong> right)

See Microsoft docs here and here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:CompareGreaterThanOrEqualTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Byte],System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Byte]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Byte]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;  V01 arg1         [V01,T01] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d1         HFA(simd8) 
;# V02 OutArgs      [V02    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            cmhs    v16.8b, v0.8b, v1.8b
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

2. CompareGreaterThanOrEqualScalar

Vector64<double> CompareGreaterThanOrEqualScalar(Vector64<double> left, Vector64<double> right)

This method compares corresponding vector elements in the left and right vector, and if the left’s value is greater than or equal to the right’s value sets every bit of the corresponding vector element in the result vector to one, otherwise sets every bit of the corresponding vector element in the result vector to zero and return the result vector.

private Vector64<double> CompareGreaterThanOrEqualScalarTest(Vector64<double> left, Vector64<double> right)
  return AdvSimd.Arm64.CompareGreaterThanOrEqualScalar(left, right);
// left = <11.5>
// right = <11.5>
// Result = <NaN>

Similar APIs that operate on different sizes:

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd.Arm64
Vector64<long> CompareGreaterThanOrEqualScalar(Vector64<long> left, Vector64<long> right)
Vector64<float> CompareGreaterThanOrEqualScalar(Vector64<float> left, Vector64<float> right)
Vector64<ulong> CompareGreaterThanOrEqualScalar(Vector64<ulong> left, Vector64<ulong> right)

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:CompareGreaterThanOrEqualScalarTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Double],System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Double]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Double]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;  V01 arg1         [V01,T01] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d1         HFA(simd8) 
;# V02 OutArgs      [V02    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcmge   d16, d0, d1
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

3. CompareGreaterThanScalar

Vector64<double> CompareGreaterThanScalar(Vector64<double> left, Vector64<double> right)

This method compares corresponding vector elements in the left and right vector, and if the left’s value is greater than the right’s value sets every bit of the corresponding vector element in the result vector to one, otherwise sets every bit of the corresponding vector element in the result vector to zero and return the result vector.

private Vector64<double> CompareGreaterThanScalarTest(Vector64<double> left, Vector64<double> right)
  return AdvSimd.Arm64.CompareGreaterThanScalar(left, right);
// left = <11.5>
// right = <11.5>
// Result = <0>

Similar APIs that operate on different sizes:

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd.Arm64
Vector64<long> CompareGreaterThanScalar(Vector64<long> left, Vector64<long> right)
Vector64<float> CompareGreaterThanScalar(Vector64<float> left, Vector64<float> right)
Vector64<ulong> CompareGreaterThanScalar(Vector64<ulong> left, Vector64<ulong> right)

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:CompareGreaterThanScalarTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Double],System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Double]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Double]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;  V01 arg1         [V01,T01] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d1         HFA(simd8) 
;# V02 OutArgs      [V02    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcmgt   d16, d0, d1
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

4. CompareLessThan

Vector64<byte> CompareLessThan(Vector64<byte> left, Vector64<byte> right)

This method compares corresponding vector elements in the left and right vector, and if the left’s value is less than the right’s value sets every bit of the corresponding vector element in the result vector to one, otherwise sets every bit of the corresponding vector element in the result vector to zero and return the result vector.

private Vector64<byte> CompareLessThanTest(Vector64<byte> left, Vector64<byte> right)
  return AdvSimd.CompareLessThan(left, right);
// left = <11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18>
// right = <1, 22, 3, 4, 25, 26, 27, 28>
// Result = <0, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255>

Similar APIs that operate on different sizes:

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd
Vector64<short> CompareLessThan(Vector64<short> left, Vector64<short> right)
Vector64<int> CompareLessThan(Vector64<int> left, Vector64<int> right)
Vector64<sbyte> CompareLessThan(Vector64<sbyte> left, Vector64<sbyte> right)
Vector64<float> CompareLessThan(Vector64<float> left, Vector64<float> right)
Vector64<ushort> CompareLessThan(Vector64<ushort> left, Vector64<ushort> right)
Vector64<uint> CompareLessThan(Vector64<uint> left, Vector64<uint> right)
Vector128<byte> CompareLessThan(Vector128<byte> left, Vector128<byte> right)
Vector128<short> CompareLessThan(Vector128<short> left, Vector128<short> right)
Vector128<int> CompareLessThan(Vector128<int> left, Vector128<int> right)
Vector128<sbyte> CompareLessThan(Vector128<sbyte> left, Vector128<sbyte> right)
Vector128<float> CompareLessThan(Vector128<float> left, Vector128<float> right)
Vector128<ushort> CompareLessThan(Vector128<ushort> left, Vector128<ushort> right)
Vector128<uint> CompareLessThan(Vector128<uint> left, Vector128<uint> right)

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd.Arm64
Vector128<double> CompareLessThan(Vector128<double> left, Vector128<double> right)
Vector128<long> CompareLessThan(Vector128<long> left, Vector128<long> right)
Vector128<ulong> CompareLessThan(Vector128<ulong> left, Vector128<ulong> right)

See Microsoft docs here and here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:CompareLessThanTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Byte],System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Byte]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Byte]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;  V01 arg1         [V01,T01] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d1         HFA(simd8) 
;# V02 OutArgs      [V02    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            cmhi    v16.8b, v1.8b, v0.8b
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

5. CompareLessThanOrEqual

Vector64<byte> CompareLessThanOrEqual(Vector64<byte> left, Vector64<byte> right)

This method compares corresponding vector elements in the left and right vector, and if the left’s value is less than or equal to the right’s value sets every bit of the corresponding vector element in the result vector to one, otherwise sets every bit of the corresponding vector element in the result vector to zero and return the result vector.

private Vector64<byte> CompareLessThanOrEqualTest(Vector64<byte> left, Vector64<byte> right)
  return AdvSimd.CompareLessThanOrEqual(left, right);
// left = <11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18>
// right = <1, 12, 3, 4, 25, 26, 27, 28>
// Result = <0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255>

Similar APIs that operate on different sizes:

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd
Vector64<short> CompareLessThanOrEqual(Vector64<short> left, Vector64<short> right)
Vector64<int> CompareLessThanOrEqual(Vector64<int> left, Vector64<int> right)
Vector64<sbyte> CompareLessThanOrEqual(Vector64<sbyte> left, Vector64<sbyte> right)
Vector64<float> CompareLessThanOrEqual(Vector64<float> left, Vector64<float> right)
Vector64<ushort> CompareLessThanOrEqual(Vector64<ushort> left, Vector64<ushort> right)
Vector64<uint> CompareLessThanOrEqual(Vector64<uint> left, Vector64<uint> right)
Vector128<byte> CompareLessThanOrEqual(Vector128<byte> left, Vector128<byte> right)
Vector128<short> CompareLessThanOrEqual(Vector128<short> left, Vector128<short> right)
Vector128<int> CompareLessThanOrEqual(Vector128<int> left, Vector128<int> right)
Vector128<sbyte> CompareLessThanOrEqual(Vector128<sbyte> left, Vector128<sbyte> right)
Vector128<float> CompareLessThanOrEqual(Vector128<float> left, Vector128<float> right)
Vector128<ushort> CompareLessThanOrEqual(Vector128<ushort> left, Vector128<ushort> right)
Vector128<uint> CompareLessThanOrEqual(Vector128<uint> left, Vector128<uint> right)

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd.Arm64
Vector128<double> CompareLessThanOrEqual(Vector128<double> left, Vector128<double> right)
Vector128<long> CompareLessThanOrEqual(Vector128<long> left, Vector128<long> right)
Vector128<ulong> CompareLessThanOrEqual(Vector128<ulong> left, Vector128<ulong> right)

See Microsoft docs here and here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:CompareLessThanOrEqualTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Byte],System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Byte]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Byte]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;  V01 arg1         [V01,T01] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d1         HFA(simd8) 
;# V02 OutArgs      [V02    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            cmhs    v16.8b, v1.8b, v0.8b
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

6. CompareLessThanOrEqualScalar

Vector64<double> CompareLessThanOrEqualScalar(Vector64<double> left, Vector64<double> right)

This method compares corresponding vector elements in the left and right vector, and if the left’s value is less than or equal to the right’s value sets every bit of the corresponding vector element in the result vector to one, otherwise sets every bit of the corresponding vector element in the result vector to zero and return the result vector.

private Vector64<double> CompareLessThanOrEqualScalarTest(Vector64<double> left, Vector64<double> right)
  return AdvSimd.Arm64.CompareLessThanOrEqualScalar(left, right);
// left = <11.5>
// right = <11.5>
// Result = <NaN>

Similar APIs that operate on different sizes:

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd.Arm64
Vector64<long> CompareLessThanOrEqualScalar(Vector64<long> left, Vector64<long> right)
Vector64<float> CompareLessThanOrEqualScalar(Vector64<float> left, Vector64<float> right)
Vector64<ulong> CompareLessThanOrEqualScalar(Vector64<ulong> left, Vector64<ulong> right)

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:CompareLessThanOrEqualScalarTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Double],System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Double]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Double]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;  V01 arg1         [V01,T01] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d1         HFA(simd8) 
;# V02 OutArgs      [V02    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcmge   d16, d1, d0
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

7. CompareLessThanScalar

Vector64<double> CompareLessThanScalar(Vector64<double> left, Vector64<double> right)

This method compares corresponding vector elements in the left and right vector, and if the left’s value is less than the right’s value sets every bit of the corresponding vector element in the result vector to one, otherwise sets every bit of the corresponding vector element in the result vector to zero and return the result vector.

private Vector64<double> CompareLessThanScalarTest(Vector64<double> left, Vector64<double> right)
  return AdvSimd.Arm64.CompareLessThanScalar(left, right);
// left = <11.5>
// right = <11.5>
// Result = <0>

Similar APIs that operate on different sizes:

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd.Arm64
Vector64<long> CompareLessThanScalar(Vector64<long> left, Vector64<long> right)
Vector64<float> CompareLessThanScalar(Vector64<float> left, Vector64<float> right)
Vector64<ulong> CompareLessThanScalar(Vector64<ulong> left, Vector64<ulong> right)

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:CompareLessThanScalarTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Double],System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Double]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Double]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;  V01 arg1         [V01,T01] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d1         HFA(simd8) 
;# V02 OutArgs      [V02    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcmgt   d16, d1, d0
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

8. CompareTest

Vector64<byte> CompareTest(Vector64<byte> left, Vector64<byte> right)

This method performs AND of corresponding vector elements in the left and right vector, and if the result is not zero, sets every bit of the corresponding vector element in the result vector to one, otherwise sets every bit of the corresponding vector element in the result vector to zero and return the result vector.

private Vector64<byte> CompareTestTest(Vector64<byte> left, Vector64<byte> right)
  return AdvSimd.CompareTest(left, right);
// left = <11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18>
// right = <4, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28>
// Result = <0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255>

Similar APIs that operate on different sizes:

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd
Vector64<short> CompareTest(Vector64<short> left, Vector64<short> right)
Vector64<int> CompareTest(Vector64<int> left, Vector64<int> right)
Vector64<sbyte> CompareTest(Vector64<sbyte> left, Vector64<sbyte> right)
Vector64<float> CompareTest(Vector64<float> left, Vector64<float> right)
Vector64<ushort> CompareTest(Vector64<ushort> left, Vector64<ushort> right)
Vector64<uint> CompareTest(Vector64<uint> left, Vector64<uint> right)
Vector128<byte> CompareTest(Vector128<byte> left, Vector128<byte> right)
Vector128<short> CompareTest(Vector128<short> left, Vector128<short> right)
Vector128<int> CompareTest(Vector128<int> left, Vector128<int> right)
Vector128<sbyte> CompareTest(Vector128<sbyte> left, Vector128<sbyte> right)
Vector128<float> CompareTest(Vector128<float> left, Vector128<float> right)
Vector128<ushort> CompareTest(Vector128<ushort> left, Vector128<ushort> right)
Vector128<uint> CompareTest(Vector128<uint> left, Vector128<uint> right)

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd.Arm64
Vector128<double> CompareTest(Vector128<double> left, Vector128<double> right)
Vector128<long> CompareTest(Vector128<long> left, Vector128<long> right)
Vector128<ulong> CompareTest(Vector128<ulong> left, Vector128<ulong> right)

See Microsoft docs here and here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:CompareTestTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Byte],System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Byte]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Byte]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;  V01 arg1         [V01,T01] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d1         HFA(simd8) 
;# V02 OutArgs      [V02    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            cmtst   v16.8b, v0.8b, v1.8b
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

9. CompareTestScalar

Vector64<double> CompareTestScalar(Vector64<double> left, Vector64<double> right)

This method performs AND of corresponding vector elements in the left and right vector, and if the result is not zero, sets every bit of the corresponding vector element in the result vector to one, otherwise sets every bit of the corresponding vector element in the result vector to zero and return the result vector.

private Vector64<double> CompareTestScalarTest(Vector64<double> left, Vector64<double> right)
  return AdvSimd.Arm64.CompareTestScalar(left, right);
// left = <11.5>
// right = <11.5>
// Result = <NaN>

Similar APIs that operate on different sizes:

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd.Arm64
Vector64<long> CompareTestScalar(Vector64<long> left, Vector64<long> right)
Vector64<ulong> CompareTestScalar(Vector64<ulong> left, Vector64<ulong> right)

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:CompareTestScalarTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Double],System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Double]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Double]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;  V01 arg1         [V01,T01] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d1         HFA(simd8) 
;# V02 OutArgs      [V02    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            cmtst   d16, d0, d1
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

10. ConvertToDouble

Vector128<double> ConvertToDouble(Vector64<float> value)

This method converts each element in a value vector to double the precision of the input element using the rounding mode that as per ARM docs, is determined by the FPCR, and returns the result vector.

private Vector128<double> ConvertToDoubleTest(Vector64<float> value)
  return AdvSimd.Arm64.ConvertToDouble(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <11.5, 12.5>

Similar APIs that operate on different sizes:

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd.Arm64
Vector128<double> ConvertToDouble(Vector128<long> value)
Vector128<double> ConvertToDouble(Vector128<ulong> value)

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToDoubleTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Single]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector128`1[Double]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtl   v16.2d, v0.2s
            mov     v0.16b, v16.16b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

11. ConvertToDoubleScalar

Vector64<double> ConvertToDoubleScalar(Vector64<long> value)

This method converts each element in a value vector to double the precision of the input element using the rounding mode that as per ARM docs, is determined by the FPCR, and returns the result vector.

private Vector64<double> ConvertToDoubleScalarTest(Vector64<long> value)
  return AdvSimd.Arm64.ConvertToDoubleScalar(value);
// value = <11>
// Result = <11>

Similar APIs that operate on different sizes:

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd.Arm64
Vector64<double> ConvertToDoubleScalar(Vector64<ulong> value)

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToDoubleScalarTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Int64]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Double]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            scvtf   d16, d0
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

12. ConvertToDoubleUpper

Vector128<double> ConvertToDoubleUpper(Vector128<float> value)

This method converts each element in the upper half of value vector to double the precision of the input element using the rounding mode that as per ARM docs, is determined by the FPCR, and returns the result vector. As seen in below example, the result vector element’s size is double that is twice as long as that of input parameter’s element size float.

private Vector128<double> ConvertToDoubleUpperTest(Vector128<float> value)
  return AdvSimd.Arm64.ConvertToDoubleUpper(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5, 13.5, 14.5>
// Result = <13.5, 14.5>

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToDoubleUpperTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector128`1[Single]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector128`1[Double]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )  simd16  ->   d0         HFA(simd16) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtl2  v16.2d, v0.4s
            mov     v0.16b, v16.16b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

13. ConvertToInt32RoundAwayFromZero

Vector64<int> ConvertToInt32RoundAwayFromZero(Vector64<float> value)

This method converts each element in the value vector from a floating-point to a signed integer value using the Round to Nearest with Ties to Away rounding mode, stores in the result vector and returns the result vector.

private Vector64<int> ConvertToInt32RoundAwayFromZeroTest(Vector64<float> value)
  return AdvSimd.ConvertToInt32RoundAwayFromZero(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <12, 13>

Similar APIs that operate on different sizes:

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd
Vector128<int> ConvertToInt32RoundAwayFromZero(Vector128<float> value)

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToInt32RoundAwayFromZeroTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Single]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Int32]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtas  v16.2s, v0.2s
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

14. ConvertToInt32RoundAwayFromZeroScalar

Vector64<int> ConvertToInt32RoundAwayFromZeroScalar(Vector64<float> value)

This method converts each element in the value vector from a floating-point to a signed integer value using the Round to Nearest with Ties to Away rounding mode, stores in the result vector and returns the result vector.

private Vector64<int> ConvertToInt32RoundAwayFromZeroScalarTest(Vector64<float> value)
  return AdvSimd.ConvertToInt32RoundAwayFromZeroScalar(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <12, 0>

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToInt32RoundAwayFromZeroScalarTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Single]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Int32]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtas  s16, s0
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

15. ConvertToInt32RoundToEven

Vector64<int> ConvertToInt32RoundToEven(Vector64<float> value)

This method converts each element in the value vector from a floating-point to a signed integer value using the Round to Nearest rounding mode, stores in the result vector and returns the result vector.

private Vector64<int> ConvertToInt32RoundToEvenTest(Vector64<float> value)
  return AdvSimd.ConvertToInt32RoundToEven(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <12, 12>

Similar APIs that operate on different sizes:

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd
Vector128<int> ConvertToInt32RoundToEven(Vector128<float> value)

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToInt32RoundToEvenTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Single]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Int32]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtns  v16.2s, v0.2s
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

16. ConvertToInt32RoundToEvenScalar

Vector64<int> ConvertToInt32RoundToEvenScalar(Vector64<float> value)

This method converts each element in the value vector from a floating-point to a signed integer value using the Round to Nearest rounding mode, stores in the result vector and returns the result vector.

private Vector64<int> ConvertToInt32RoundToEvenScalarTest(Vector64<float> value)
  return AdvSimd.ConvertToInt32RoundToEvenScalar(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <12, 0>

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToInt32RoundToEvenScalarTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Single]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Int32]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtns  s16, s0
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

17. ConvertToInt32RoundToNegativeInfinity

Vector64<int> ConvertToInt32RoundToNegativeInfinity(Vector64<float> value)

This method converts each element in the value vector from a floating-point to a signed integer value using the Round towards Minus Infinity rounding mode, stores in the result vector and returns the result vector.

private Vector64<int> ConvertToInt32RoundToNegativeInfinityTest(Vector64<float> value)
  return AdvSimd.ConvertToInt32RoundToNegativeInfinity(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <11, 12>

Similar APIs that operate on different sizes:

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd
Vector128<int> ConvertToInt32RoundToNegativeInfinity(Vector128<float> value)

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToInt32RoundToNegativeInfinityTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Single]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Int32]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtms  v16.2s, v0.2s
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

18. ConvertToInt32RoundToNegativeInfinityScalar

Vector64<int> ConvertToInt32RoundToNegativeInfinityScalar(Vector64<float> value)

This method converts each element in the value vector from a floating-point to a signed integer value using the Round towards Minus Infinity rounding mode, stores in the result vector and returns the result vector.

private Vector64<int> ConvertToInt32RoundToNegativeInfinityScalarTest(Vector64<float> value)
  return AdvSimd.ConvertToInt32RoundToNegativeInfinityScalar(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <11, 0>

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToInt32RoundToNegativeInfinityScalarTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Single]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Int32]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtms  s16, s0
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

19. ConvertToInt32RoundToPositiveInfinity

Vector64<int> ConvertToInt32RoundToPositiveInfinity(Vector64<float> value)

This method converts each element in the value vector from a floating-point to a signed integer value using the Round towards Plus Infinity rounding mode, stores in the result vector and returns the result vector.

private Vector64<int> ConvertToInt32RoundToPositiveInfinityTest(Vector64<float> value)
  return AdvSimd.ConvertToInt32RoundToPositiveInfinity(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <12, 13>

Similar APIs that operate on different sizes:

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd
Vector128<int> ConvertToInt32RoundToPositiveInfinity(Vector128<float> value)

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToInt32RoundToPositiveInfinityTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Single]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Int32]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtps  v16.2s, v0.2s
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

20. ConvertToInt32RoundToPositiveInfinityScalar

Vector64<int> ConvertToInt32RoundToPositiveInfinityScalar(Vector64<float> value)

This method converts each element in the value vector from a floating-point to a signed integer value using the Round towards Plus Infinity rounding mode, stores in the result vector and returns the result vector.

private Vector64<int> ConvertToInt32RoundToPositiveInfinityScalarTest(Vector64<float> value)
  return AdvSimd.ConvertToInt32RoundToPositiveInfinityScalar(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <12, 0>

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToInt32RoundToPositiveInfinityScalarTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Single]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Int32]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtps  s16, s0
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

21. ConvertToInt32RoundToZero

Vector64<int> ConvertToInt32RoundToZero(Vector64<float> value)

This method converts each element in the value vector from a floating-point to a signed integer value using the Round to Nearest with toward zero rounding mode, stores in the result vector and returns the result vector.

private Vector64<int> ConvertToInt32RoundToZeroTest(Vector64<float> value)
  return AdvSimd.ConvertToInt32RoundToZero(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <11, 12>

Similar APIs that operate on different sizes:

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd
Vector128<int> ConvertToInt32RoundToZero(Vector128<float> value)

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToInt32RoundToZeroTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Single]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Int32]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtzs  v16.2s, v0.2s
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

22. ConvertToInt32RoundToZeroScalar

Vector64<int> ConvertToInt32RoundToZeroScalar(Vector64<float> value)

This method converts each element in the value vector from a floating-point to a signed integer value using the Round to Nearest with toward zero rounding mode, stores in the result vector and returns the result vector.

private Vector64<int> ConvertToInt32RoundToZeroScalarTest(Vector64<float> value)
  return AdvSimd.ConvertToInt32RoundToZeroScalar(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <11, 0>

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToInt32RoundToZeroScalarTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Single]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Int32]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtzs  s16, s0
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

23. ConvertToInt64RoundAwayFromZero

Vector128<long> ConvertToInt64RoundAwayFromZero(Vector128<double> value)

This method converts each element in the value vector from a floating-point to a 64-bits signed integer value using the Round to Nearest with Ties to Away rounding mode, stores in the result vector and returns the result vector.

private Vector128<long> ConvertToInt64RoundAwayFromZeroTest(Vector128<double> value)
  return AdvSimd.Arm64.ConvertToInt64RoundAwayFromZero(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <12, 13>

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToInt64RoundAwayFromZeroTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector128`1[Double]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector128`1[Int64]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )  simd16  ->   d0         HFA(simd16) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtas  v16.2d, v0.2d
            mov     v0.16b, v16.16b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

24. ConvertToInt64RoundAwayFromZeroScalar

Vector64<long> ConvertToInt64RoundAwayFromZeroScalar(Vector64<double> value)

This method converts each element in the value vector from a floating-point to a 64-bits signed integer value using the Round to Nearest with Ties to Away rounding mode, stores in the result vector and returns the result vector.

private Vector64<long> ConvertToInt64RoundAwayFromZeroScalarTest(Vector64<double> value)
  return AdvSimd.Arm64.ConvertToInt64RoundAwayFromZeroScalar(value);
// value = <11.5>
// Result = <12>

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToInt64RoundAwayFromZeroScalarTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Double]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Int64]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtas  d16, d0
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

25. ConvertToInt64RoundToEven

Vector128<long> ConvertToInt64RoundToEven(Vector128<double> value)

This method converts each element in the value vector from a floating-point to a 64-bits signed integer value using the Round to Nearest rounding mode, stores in the result vector and returns the result vector.

private Vector128<long> ConvertToInt64RoundToEvenTest(Vector128<double> value)
  return AdvSimd.Arm64.ConvertToInt64RoundToEven(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <12, 12>

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToInt64RoundToEvenTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector128`1[Double]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector128`1[Int64]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )  simd16  ->   d0         HFA(simd16) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtns  v16.2d, v0.2d
            mov     v0.16b, v16.16b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

26. ConvertToInt64RoundToEvenScalar

Vector64<long> ConvertToInt64RoundToEvenScalar(Vector64<double> value)

This method converts each element in the value vector from a floating-point to a 64-bits signed integer value using the Round to Nearest rounding mode, stores in the result vector and returns the result vector.

private Vector64<long> ConvertToInt64RoundToEvenScalarTest(Vector64<double> value)
  return AdvSimd.Arm64.ConvertToInt64RoundToEvenScalar(value);
// value = <11.5>
// Result = <12>

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToInt64RoundToEvenScalarTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Double]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Int64]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtns  d16, d0
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

27. ConvertToInt64RoundToNegativeInfinity

Vector128<long> ConvertToInt64RoundToNegativeInfinity(Vector128<double> value)

This method converts each element in a vector from a floating-point value to a 64-bits signed integer value using the Round towards Minus Infinity rounding mode, and returns the result.

private Vector128<long> ConvertToInt64RoundToNegativeInfinityTest(Vector128<double> value)
  return AdvSimd.Arm64.ConvertToInt64RoundToNegativeInfinity(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <11, 12>

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToInt64RoundToNegativeInfinityTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector128`1[Double]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector128`1[Int64]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )  simd16  ->   d0         HFA(simd16) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtms  v16.2d, v0.2d
            mov     v0.16b, v16.16b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

28. ConvertToInt64RoundToNegativeInfinityScalar

Vector64<long> ConvertToInt64RoundToNegativeInfinityScalar(Vector64<double> value)

This method converts each element in a vector from a floating-point value to a 64-bits signed integer value using the Round towards Minus Infinity rounding mode, and returns the result.

private Vector64<long> ConvertToInt64RoundToNegativeInfinityScalarTest(Vector64<double> value)
  return AdvSimd.Arm64.ConvertToInt64RoundToNegativeInfinityScalar(value);
// value = <11.5>
// Result = <11>

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToInt64RoundToNegativeInfinityScalarTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Double]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Int64]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtms  d16, d0
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

29. ConvertToInt64RoundToPositiveInfinity

Vector128<long> ConvertToInt64RoundToPositiveInfinity(Vector128<double> value)

This method converts each element in a vector from a floating-point value to a 64-bits signed integer value using the Round towards Plus Infinity rounding mode, and returns the result.

private Vector128<long> ConvertToInt64RoundToPositiveInfinityTest(Vector128<double> value)
  return AdvSimd.Arm64.ConvertToInt64RoundToPositiveInfinity(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <12, 13>

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToInt64RoundToPositiveInfinityTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector128`1[Double]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector128`1[Int64]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )  simd16  ->   d0         HFA(simd16) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtps  v16.2d, v0.2d
            mov     v0.16b, v16.16b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

30. ConvertToInt64RoundToPositiveInfinityScalar

Vector64<long> ConvertToInt64RoundToPositiveInfinityScalar(Vector64<double> value)

This method converts each element in a vector from a floating-point value to a 64-bits signed integer value using the Round towards Plus Infinity rounding mode, and returns the result.

private Vector64<long> ConvertToInt64RoundToPositiveInfinityScalarTest(Vector64<double> value)
  return AdvSimd.Arm64.ConvertToInt64RoundToPositiveInfinityScalar(value);
// value = <11.5>
// Result = <12>

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToInt64RoundToPositiveInfinityScalarTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Double]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Int64]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtps  d16, d0
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

31. ConvertToInt64RoundToZero

Vector128<long> ConvertToInt64RoundToZero(Vector128<double> value)

This method converts each element in a vector from a floating-point value to a 64-bits signed integer value using the Round towards Zero rounding mode, and returns the result.

private Vector128<long> ConvertToInt64RoundToZeroTest(Vector128<double> value)
  return AdvSimd.Arm64.ConvertToInt64RoundToZero(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <11, 12>

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToInt64RoundToZeroTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector128`1[Double]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector128`1[Int64]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )  simd16  ->   d0         HFA(simd16) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtzs  v16.2d, v0.2d
            mov     v0.16b, v16.16b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

32. ConvertToInt64RoundToZeroScalar

Vector64<long> ConvertToInt64RoundToZeroScalar(Vector64<double> value)

This method converts each element in a vector from a floating-point value to a 64-bits signed integer value using the Round towards Zero rounding mode, and returns the result.

private Vector64<long> ConvertToInt64RoundToZeroScalarTest(Vector64<double> value)
  return AdvSimd.Arm64.ConvertToInt64RoundToZeroScalar(value);
// value = <11.5>
// Result = <11>

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToInt64RoundToZeroScalarTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Double]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Int64]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtzs  d16, d0
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

33. ConvertToSingle

Vector64<float> ConvertToSingle(Vector64<int> value)

This method converts each element in a vector from fixed-point to floating-point using the rounding mode that, as per ARM docs, is specified by the FPCR, and returns the result.

private Vector64<float> ConvertToSingleTest(Vector64<int> value)
  return AdvSimd.ConvertToSingle(value);
// value = <11, 12>
// Result = <11, 12>

Similar APIs that operate on different sizes:

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd
Vector64<float> ConvertToSingle(Vector64<uint> value)
Vector128<float> ConvertToSingle(Vector128<int> value)
Vector128<float> ConvertToSingle(Vector128<uint> value)

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToSingleTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Int32]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Single]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            scvtf   v16.2s, v0.2s
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

34. ConvertToSingleLower

Vector64<float> ConvertToSingleLower(Vector128<double> value)

This method converts each vector element in the value vector to half the precision of the source element, stores it in a result vector. As seen below, the result vector element’s size float is half as long as the input vector element’s size double. The rounding mode is determined by the FPCR.

private Vector64<float> ConvertToSingleLowerTest(Vector128<double> value)
  return AdvSimd.Arm64.ConvertToSingleLower(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <11.5, 12.5>

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToSingleLowerTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector128`1[Double]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Single]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )  simd16  ->   d0         HFA(simd16) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtn   v16.2s, v0.2d
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

35. ConvertToSingleRoundToOddLower

Vector64<float> ConvertToSingleRoundToOddLower(Vector128<double> value)

This method narrows each vector element in the value vector to half the precision using the Round to Odd rounding mode, and stores the result in result vector. For details see the ARM docs.

private Vector64<float> ConvertToSingleRoundToOddLowerTest(Vector128<double> value)
  return AdvSimd.Arm64.ConvertToSingleRoundToOddLower(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <11.5, 12.5>

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToSingleRoundToOddLowerTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector128`1[Double]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Single]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )  simd16  ->   d0         HFA(simd16) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtxn  v16.2s, v0.2d
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

36. ConvertToSingleRoundToOddUpper

Vector128<float> ConvertToSingleRoundToOddUpper(Vector64<float> lower, Vector128<double> value)

This method narrows each vector element in the upper-half of value vector to half the precision using the Round to Odd rounding mode, and stores the result in the upper half of result vector, lower half being the values from lower vector. For details see the ARM docs.

private Vector128<float> ConvertToSingleRoundToOddUpperTest(Vector64<float> lower, Vector128<double> value)
  return AdvSimd.Arm64.ConvertToSingleRoundToOddUpper(lower, value);
// lower = <11.5, 12.5>
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <11.5, 12.5, 11.5, 12.5>

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToSingleRoundToOddUpperTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Single],System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector128`1[Double]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector128`1[Single]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;  V01 arg1         [V01,T01] (  3,  3   )  simd16  ->   d1         HFA(simd16) 
;# V02 OutArgs      [V02    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtxn2 v0.4s, v1.2d
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 20, prolog size 8

37. ConvertToSingleScalar

Vector64<float> ConvertToSingleScalar(Vector64<int> value)

This method converts the value vector from fixed-point to floating-point using the rounding mode that is specified by the FPCR, and returns the result.

private Vector64<float> ConvertToSingleScalarTest(Vector64<int> value)
  return AdvSimd.ConvertToSingleScalar(value);
// value = <11, 12>
// Result = <11, 0>

Similar APIs that operate on different sizes:

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd
Vector64<float> ConvertToSingleScalar(Vector64<uint> value)

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToSingleScalarTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Int32]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Single]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            scvtf   s16, s0
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

38. ConvertToSingleUpper

Vector128<float> ConvertToSingleUpper(Vector64<float> lower, Vector128<double> value)

This method converts each vector element in the upper-half of value vector to half the precision and stores the result in upper-half of result vector, lower half being the values from lower vector. As seen in example below, the result vector element’s size float is half as long as the input vector element’s size double. The rounding mode, as per ARM docs, is determined by the FPCR.

private Vector128<float> ConvertToSingleUpperTest(Vector64<float> lower, Vector128<double> value)
  return AdvSimd.Arm64.ConvertToSingleUpper(lower, value);
// lower = <5.1, 5.1>
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <5.1, 5.1, 11.5, 12.5>

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToSingleUpperTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Single],System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector128`1[Double]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector128`1[Single]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;  V01 arg1         [V01,T01] (  3,  3   )  simd16  ->   d1         HFA(simd16) 
;# V02 OutArgs      [V02    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtn2  v0.4s, v1.2d
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 20, prolog size 8

39. ConvertToUInt32RoundAwayFromZero

Vector64<uint> ConvertToUInt32RoundAwayFromZero(Vector64<float> value)

This method converts each element in the value vector from a floating-point to an unsigned integer value using the Round to Nearest with Ties to Away rounding mode, stores in the result vector and returns the result vector.

private Vector64<uint> ConvertToUInt32RoundAwayFromZeroTest(Vector64<float> value)
  return AdvSimd.ConvertToUInt32RoundAwayFromZero(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <12, 13>

Similar APIs that operate on different sizes:

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd
Vector128<uint> ConvertToUInt32RoundAwayFromZero(Vector128<float> value)

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToUInt32RoundAwayFromZeroTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Single]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[UInt32]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtau  v16.2s, v0.2s
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

40. ConvertToUInt32RoundAwayFromZeroScalar

Vector64<uint> ConvertToUInt32RoundAwayFromZeroScalar(Vector64<float> value)

This method converts each element in the value vector from a floating-point to an unsigned integer value using the Round to Nearest with Ties to Away rounding mode, stores in the result vector and returns the result vector.

private Vector64<uint> ConvertToUInt32RoundAwayFromZeroScalarTest(Vector64<float> value)
  return AdvSimd.ConvertToUInt32RoundAwayFromZeroScalar(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <12, 0>

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToUInt32RoundAwayFromZeroScalarTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Single]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[UInt32]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtau  s16, s0
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

41. ConvertToUInt32RoundToEven

Vector64<uint> ConvertToUInt32RoundToEven(Vector64<float> value)

This method converts each element in the value vector from a floating-point to an unsigned integer value using the Round to Nearest rounding mode, stores in the result vector and returns the result vector.

private Vector64<uint> ConvertToUInt32RoundToEvenTest(Vector64<float> value)
  return AdvSimd.ConvertToUInt32RoundToEven(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <12, 12>

Similar APIs that operate on different sizes:

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd
Vector128<uint> ConvertToUInt32RoundToEven(Vector128<float> value)

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToUInt32RoundToEvenTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Single]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[UInt32]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtnu  v16.2s, v0.2s
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

42. ConvertToUInt32RoundToEvenScalar

Vector64<uint> ConvertToUInt32RoundToEvenScalar(Vector64<float> value)

This method converts each element in the value vector from a floating-point to an unsigned integer value using the Round to Nearest rounding mode, stores in the result vector and returns the result vector.

private Vector64<uint> ConvertToUInt32RoundToEvenScalarTest(Vector64<float> value)
  return AdvSimd.ConvertToUInt32RoundToEvenScalar(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <12, 0>

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToUInt32RoundToEvenScalarTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Single]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[UInt32]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtnu  s16, s0
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

43. ConvertToUInt32RoundToNegativeInfinity

Vector64<uint> ConvertToUInt32RoundToNegativeInfinity(Vector64<float> value)

This method converts each element in the value vector from a floating-point to an unsigned integer value using the Round towards Minus Infinity rounding mode, stores in the result vector and returns the result vector.

private Vector64<uint> ConvertToUInt32RoundToNegativeInfinityTest(Vector64<float> value)
  return AdvSimd.ConvertToUInt32RoundToNegativeInfinity(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <11, 12>

Similar APIs that operate on different sizes:

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd
Vector128<uint> ConvertToUInt32RoundToNegativeInfinity(Vector128<float> value)

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToUInt32RoundToNegativeInfinityTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Single]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[UInt32]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtmu  v16.2s, v0.2s
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

44. ConvertToUInt32RoundToNegativeInfinityScalar

Vector64<uint> ConvertToUInt32RoundToNegativeInfinityScalar(Vector64<float> value)

This method converts each element in the value vector from a floating-point to an unsigned integer value using the Round towards Minus Infinity rounding mode, stores in the result vector and returns the result vector.

private Vector64<uint> ConvertToUInt32RoundToNegativeInfinityScalarTest(Vector64<float> value)
  return AdvSimd.ConvertToUInt32RoundToNegativeInfinityScalar(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <11, 0>

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToUInt32RoundToNegativeInfinityScalarTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Single]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[UInt32]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtmu  s16, s0
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8

45. ConvertToUInt32RoundToPositiveInfinity

Vector64<uint> ConvertToUInt32RoundToPositiveInfinity(Vector64<float> value)

This method converts each element in the value vector from a floating-point to an unsigned integer value using the Round towards Plus Infinity rounding mode, stores in the result vector and returns the result vector.

private Vector64<uint> ConvertToUInt32RoundToPositiveInfinityTest(Vector64<float> value)
  return AdvSimd.ConvertToUInt32RoundToPositiveInfinity(value);
// value = <11.5, 12.5>
// Result = <12, 13>

Similar APIs that operate on different sizes:

// class System.Runtime.Intrinisics.AdvSimd
Vector128<uint> ConvertToUInt32RoundToPositiveInfinity(Vector128<float> value)

See Microsoft docs here, ARM docs here.

Assembly generated:

; Assembly listing for method AdvSimdMethods:ConvertToUInt32RoundToPositiveInfinityTest(System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[Single]):System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector64`1[UInt32]
;  V00 arg0         [V00,T00] (  3,  3   )   simd8  ->   d0         HFA(simd8) 
;# V01 OutArgs      [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  lclBlk ( 0) [sp+0x00]   "OutgoingArgSpace"
; Lcl frame size = 0
            stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
            mov     fp, sp
            fcvtpu  v16.2s, v0.2s
            mov     v0.8b, v16.8b
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp],#16
            ret     lr

; Total bytes of code 24, prolog size 8